Sunday, December 29, 2013

Gas Station Contest

Two rednecks, Billy Joe and Bubba, were out driving when they noticed the gas tank was getting low, so they stopped at a local station to fill up.

After topping off the tank, they went inside to pay, where noticed a big sign on the desk: ASK ABOUT OUR FREE SEX CONTEST!

"Hey, what's that all about?" Billy Joe asked the attendant.

"Oh, that's something new we just started," the attendant replied. "The way it works is that I think of a number, and if you guess it, you get free sex."

Billy Joe and Bubba thought that was a pretty good idea, so they each took a guess.

"I'll say eight," said Billy Joe.

"Sorry," said the attendant. "It's four."

"I'll try five," said Bubba.

"Nope. It's two," the attendant replied. "But hey, come back and try again."

Billy Joe and Bubba walked away, disappointed, but they were determined to give it another try. And so the next time they were low on gas, they stopped in again. And again. After about a month, they decided to give it one last try.

"Six," Billy Joe said to the attendant. "It's gotta be six."

"I'm really sorry," said the attendant. "It was nine this time."

"Okay, I guess three," said Bubba.

"Oh, you were close," said the attendant. "It was two."

And so, the two disappointed rednecks walked back to their truck.

"You know," said Billy Joe, "I'm beginning to think that contest is rigged!"

"No," sighed Bubba. "It's for real. My wife's won seven times already."

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